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All posts tagged Wilkie Collins

Russkii vestnik 1862

Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons was obviously the literary event of 1862, and the furore that surrounded the novel is also reflected here in articles about Turgenev and nihilism. Other critical works include Druzhinin on new talent in contemporary English literature, Nikolai Tikhonravov on Russian literature and on Karamzin, de Roberti on English journalism, and P. […]

Russkii vestnik 1864

The volumes for 1864 feature the usual round-up of poets: Viazemsky, Fet, Almazov, and Maikov, who has supplements in the first two issues. Women writers seem more prominent than usual, with short stories by L. A. Cherkasova, Novinskaia, and Ol’ga N. The first half of Vigel’s Memoirs appears, as do the middle sections of Subbotin’s […]

Russkii vestnik 1865

These volumes of Russkii vestnik feature a number of literary works, from chapters from War and Peace and poetry by Fet, Tiutchev and Viazemsky, to the continuation of Wilkie Collins’s Armadale and, in the supplement, Dickens’s Our Mutual Friend. There are historical articles on Alexander I after 1812, the Pugachevshchina, and Lomonosov and the Academy […]

Russkii vestnik 1866

It’s hard to get beyond the literary contributions to Russkii vestnik for 1866, as it features both the first of Dostoevsky’s major novels, Crime and Punishment, and parts of Tolstoy’s War and Peace. There are also poems by Fet and A. K. Tolstoy, and two works by Boborykin, The World of Success and In a […]

Russkii vestnik 1868

The highlight of Russkii vestnik for 1868 was the publication of Dostoevsky’s novel The Idiot, but other notable features are articles by N. A. Liubimov on advances in Physics, Hermann Laroche on Glinka, A. D. Gradovsky on Russian historical literature, and Gustave de Molinari (a regular contributor on European affairs) on the 1867 World Exhibition […]