Since the final years of the Soviet Union, memorializing the victims of the political repressions – in itself a curious formulation that indicates some of the problems associated with this subject – has remained a significant and, to a large extent, unresolved question. Historical memory projects can obviously have all sorts of different aims: the […]
All posts tagged USSR
Historical memory of the Gulag (2): Memorials, maps and other memory projects
Posted by Sarah Young on June 23, 2015
Historical memory of the Gulag (1): Memory books
I’ve been thinking about historical memory of the Gulag and the Stalinist repressions recently whilst working on my book, and have decided to put together a few posts of links relating to the subject. This is partly from my own need to organize the material coherently, and partly because an up-to-date list would, I hope, […]
Posted by Sarah Young on May 1, 2015